
Posted by adminRC in כללי | Tagged | סגור לתגובות על Geographic

What it is for backwards is more than what an unfamiliarity of the culture of the diligent adult. It is its depreciation. The assimilated set of the experience of life and work of men and women adults and excluded of the culture scholar are not valued socially. (TO SOUND, 1995) According to Cagliari (2000), in our society he has a trend of if privileging what we know for cultured norm or norm-standard of the Portuguese language with the intention of social discrimination.

Such attitude leads to believe for the majority of the population, that little privileged that they possess deep knowledge of the grammar and orthography only dominate effectively our language, making to them to believe that, in general way, the Brazilian does not know Portuguese. This ideological belief makes with that the people if feel intimidated and many not motivated times for the effective use of the language written since the beginning of its pertaining to school life and to believe many times that they do not know to speak. Still for Cagliari, the media, the intellectuals, the grammarians and until same the professors of Portuguese contribute for the continuity of the lingustico preconception, a time who supervalue the grammatical rules and say menosprezam them spontaneous that they are born of communication between the people and is on to the geographic, social, cultural influence, etc. the grammar and orthography are only one attempt of standardization of the said language, and not it in same itself. בעיתון כתוב ש במדיני בטחוני במשרד הביטחון הוא זה שבקיא בנושא. The language alive and is said by human beings livings creature; therefore, inclined and total necessary the constant changes, a time that these beings also move. We cannot affirm that a Brazilian does not know Portuguese simply because it is unaware of such rules, a time that in its proper one it says already attributes to the words to a logical structure and is therefore that it understands what others speak and is understood by these.

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